Stealth Solar Solves The Entire Energy Problem
wanted to wait until after our project was complete & we had received our first APS bill before I posted this review. My husband & I met with a rep from Stealth back in early January as Solar was on the top of our list this year. We had already met with Solar City and a few other smaller companies. The reason we chose Stealth was because of all the energy saving upgrades they installed on our home before any solar panels. By adding extra insulation & radiant barrier in the attic, putting a ceramic film on all sun exposed windows, sealing all our duct work, installing a high efficiency pool pump, and some other device that helps our AC use 20% less kilowatts while cooling, they were able to reduce our bill 45% which meant we would only need 28 panels to cover our whole $295.00 electric bill which was fantastic! Solar City and all the other companies said NOTHING about addressing our home efficiency before solar and wanted to put on almost 60 panels which were scattered all over our roof which was totally wrong. We love this company & have already referred 4 friends to them, they are awesome.... Laurie & Frank Godey