Review 6/22/2011
BEWARE!!!!! Do not work for this company. They send you packages to process, you have to wrap them in their paper that they send you and remail with their shipping labels that they email to you. They promise to pay you a monthly salary of $1390 plus you get a bonus off of each package that you mail out the same day it is received. After working for them for a month, their website suddenly went down. I was emailed that they were updating it and that it should be up and running within a few days. It was also time for them to direct deposit my pay. I've never seen a dime from them and their website never came back up. I even had some of the packages return back to me because they were unaccepted outside of the country by the customer. I had to contact the original shipping company to get them to email shipping labels so I could return the merchandise. This company is a SCAM and a bunch of con artist work for them. They have no intention of every paying you, they just want someone to ship their packages for FREE! DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY