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Loan Modification - Consumer Advocates Group
4/24/2011 8:20 AM (PST)
Help I am so frustrated ,been 3 months since gave them money and the only thing i get is email from this company it said " still processing" is anyone dealt with loan modification to Consumer Advocates Group and what is the outcome?
5/4/2011 5:52 PM (PST)
Teresa, I was in the same position as you but i can atest they got the job done for me. If your file is "still in processing" that means they are working on your file. My file was completed and they reduced my payments by $700.00! Remember something you are the one that paid them to do a job for you! You were the one that got yourself into this mess that they are trying to get you out of. Maybe if you had more patience with this whole process things will be easier for you. I am having all my friends and family members that are in trouble conatact them immedaitely. I know they do a good job!!!!!
8/23/2011 6:41 AM (PST)
Pls do not hire Consumer Advocates
8/23/2011 6:45 AM (PST)
Consumer Advocates Group is a riff off company, do not hire them because the promise they told you not goin to happen, Consumer Advocates Group riff me off.
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